Salisbury Cathedral Close
Preservation Society

Supporting Excellence in Heritage Estate Management

In the course of 800 years, Salisbury Cathedral Close has become a unique collection of religious and secular buildings in a tranquil walled setting. It is unrivalled in Britain in terms of scale and beauty.

Yet today, commercial pressures threaten and can lead to the neglect of these structures and their surroundings. The Salisbury Cathedral Close Preservation Society exists to protect buildings and environment alike through education and activism, not just for today, but for future generations.

We ask for your support as a member, donor or both.
Find out more…


Join us at our upcoming event:

The Landscape of Leaden Hall and the Close: A fresh look at our cultural heritage

Follow in the footsteps of Constable, Turner or Handel. Discover a green oasis in the centre of the city.

Leaden Hall Planning Application

Tennis Courts & Marsh Close Parking

Preserving The Close and supporting free access to its beauty and rich history requires resources. We are grateful for your contribution.



The Society is very active in ensuring any development is in keeping with this unique heritage. We have provided financial support towards various projects, most recently the replacement of the traffic kiosk.
Membership is open regardless of place of residency. An Annual General Meeting is normally held in Spring.
The Society also arranges at least one annual lecture, usually in the autumn.

If you’re interested, see more info on our patron and trustees.


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