Salisbury Cathedral Close Preservation Society
Supporting Excellence in Heritage Estate Management
The Heart of Gloucester
Autumn Lecture 2022, 27 October 2022,
by Antony Feltham-King
Antony Feltham-King is a director of St. Ann’s Gate Architects Ltd. For 30 years he has specialised in the care, repair and enhancement of historic buildings, principally Church buildings. He enjoys working with churches to enable their historic buildings to help them in their local ministry.
St. Ann’s Gate Architects are leaseholders in The Close (St. Ann’s Gate) and have played a major role in the restoration work of Salisbury Cathedral. Antony has been responsible over several years for the redesign of Gloucester Cathedral Close. His talk concentrated on this exemplary project. It showed how involving all stakeholders enabled them to drastically reduce the number of cars in Gloucester Cathedral Close while attracting significantly increase numbers of locals to share in its beauty.
We were delighted to welcome a number of guests including Cllr Tom Corbin, Mayor of Salisbury, as well as Mrs. Stephanie Siddons-Deighton and Mr. Richard Deane, chair and vice-chair of Salisbury Civic Society.