Salisbury Cathedral Close Preservation Society
Supporting Excellence in Heritage Estate Management
AGM 2021/22
The AGM 2021/22, 27 October 2022
Sarum College, The Close – Starting Time: 18:30
1. Apologies
The secretary had received 11 apologies.
Trustees present were Terry Byrne (Chairman), Christopher King (Secretary), Dick Clements (Treasurer), Hans-Dieter Scholz (Membership Secretary and Website Manager), Julian Hepplewhite, Nick Bacon and Jeremy Edwards. Liz Slater sent her apologies.
30 members attended. We were particularly pleased to welcome the Mayor of Salisbury, Cllr Tom Corbin, and our Patron.
The Chairman, Terry Byrne, presented his report which is attached to this minute.
The Treasurer, Dick Clements, presented the accounts for the year ended 31st December 2021.
The income was boosted by the legacy of £10,000.
The expenditure was increased by the grant of £3,000 made towards the Parking Hut.
Expenditure in the current year will increase due to payments to be made for the new Website (c£4,500) and the printing of a further 1,500 copies of the Close booklet (c£1,600).
Hans-Dieter Scholz reported that membership had stayed at the same level as previously but income slightly boosted by Life Memberships.
He also presented the new Website and encouraged members to look it up and put forward comments on the format and suggestions for any additional items which would be of interest.
The Website had been designed to have an up to date appearance, to be available on smartphones and to have a safe method of accepting donations. It is easier for editing.
6. Changes to Board Members and election of Board , Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer
The appointment of new Board members, Nick Bacon and Jeremy Edwards, was endorsed’
The Board including Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer were re-elected, proposed by Heather Olsen, seconded by Sam Samwell and passed nem.con.
7. AOB
Over 800 people/ interested bodies had responded to the consultation on Salisbury Neighbourhood Development Plan. The draft plan will now be revised. There will then be a further consultation before the final Plan is submitted to the examiner. The society is very interested in this document because it will influence Planning in the City and The Close over the next 14 years.
There being no further Business the meeting closed at about 7.10pm.
The AGM was followed by a break for drinks and canapes before a most interesting and beautifully illustrated talk “Reflections on recent work at Gloucester Cathedral” by Antony Feltham-King.
Non-members from within the Close, the City and from farther afield had been invited to the drinks and the talk. A dozen people attended and others sent apologies saying that they would like to know of any such future talks.